Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Rangka Baja, Material Unggul untuk Rumah Minimalis

Rangka baja sekarang ini mulai banyak dilirik ditengah banyaknya orang yang ingin membangun rumah dengan desain minimalis. Dengan semakin meningginya harga kayu untuk material, baja menjadi alternatif yang paling tepat. Secara penampakan, baja ini lebih ringan dan tipis dibandingkan baja biasa, dan sangat tepat diaplikasikan pada rumah minimalis. Meskipun dalam beberapa hal kayu dan baja […]

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Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Keunggulan Rumah Konstruksi Baja sebagai Rumah Masa Depan

Rumah dengan konstruksi baja mungkin sekarang ini belum banyak ditemukan. Masih banyaknya rumah yang menggunakan konstruksi beton membuat struktur baja belum banyak dikenal masyarakat luas. Padahal, dibandingkan beton, kerangka baja sama kuatnya. Meskipun demikian, beton memiliki beberapa kelemahan dibandingkan baja. Misalnya, beton tidak bisa menahan gaya tarik sehingga gampang retak. Selain itu, beton bisa mengembang dan menyusut […]

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Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Sculpted in Steel: An artful construction of cars and motorcycles

Imagine owning a piece of artwork that you could sit inside, and even drive.

At the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, the Art Deco vehicles which form the "Sculpted in Steel" exhibition prove exactly that is possible -- beautifully constructed, they are as much works of art as modes of transport.

Characterized by the use of luxurious materials and clean lines, the Art Deco aesthetic dominated the worlds of architecture, fashion and cars on a global scale between the first and second world wars.

The 14 cars and three motorcycles on show at the exhibition demonstrate the elegance of this era, which introduced concepts such as aerodynamic design and chrome detailing to vehicles.

Car bodies were blessed with shiny metal curves, while finer details such as grills, hood ornaments and windows were inspired by airplanes, and constructed using industrial materials.

To see highlights from the exhibition, scroll through the gallery above.

"Sculpted in Steel" will take place at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston from February 21 to May 30 2016.

Read more at http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/14/autos/art-deco-movement-automobiles/index.html